How to feel comfortable in your own skin

Feeling comfortable in your own skin is a long journey which involves self-love, self-acceptance, positive self-image, accepting your flaws and working on your personal growth day by day. Being self-confident & self-assured is necessary to keep yourself going and feel motivated. Sometimes, we feel a little insecure about ourselves and it can be quite difficult to deal with this feeling of insecurity. Not accepting yourself and not feeling comfortable in one’s own skin means not accepting who you truly are. Moreover, being underconfident affects your abilities to perform well. 

Feeling insecure about yourself can take a huge toll on your mental, physical and emotional health. Besides, it alter the way you see yourself in the mirror. On top of that, depiction of beauty standards by the society and social media makes it harder.

 But here are some steps which may help you in this process of feeling comfortable in your own skin:

1. Practice self-love:Practice self-love 

Everyone make mistakes in their life as nobody is perfect. Stop being so harsh on yourself and practice self-love. Since, it will help you to boost your self-confidence

How to practice self-love:

  1. Be kind to yourself
  2. forgive yourself for the mistakes you committed in the past and try to prevent them in the future
  3. do nice things for yourself which makes you feel happy

 2. Work on your personal life problems:

Working on the issues which makes you feel uneasy about yourself is of utmost importance to overcome trauma, insecurity, and more. Since, personal issues can effect our overall quality of life. Therefore, instead of pushing them out, try to deal with these issues so that it doesn’t control your life any longer.

How to work on personal issues:

  • forgiveness: chose to forgive people as well as yourself for the past mistakes you did
  • journal: journal your thoughts and feeling on a regular basis to feel good and relieved
  • ask for help when needed. Example: seeking therapist or counselor help to deal with mental health issues
  • observe yourself: by observing, you can see what you need to change in yourself so that you can be go easy on yourself.

3. Practice gratitude:   Practice gratitude 

Practicing gratitude on daily basis can improve your overall quality of life. Furthermore, it may help you to embrace your inner strength & self-confidence. Be grateful for everything you do or can do for yourself.

          How to practice gratitude:

  • try to make a list of things you’re grateful for
  • start a gratitude journal
  • try to remember all the wonderful things which people have done for you. Be thankful to them and express your gratitude towards them.

4. Surround yourself with positive people: Surround yourself with positive people 

If you’re surrounded with toxic people they’ll constantly remind you of how comfortless you’re in your own skin by saying mean things to you or insulting you. Avoid such kind of people who’re toxic. 

Instead surround yourself with people who brings you joy and happiness in life. On top of that, they assure you for all the good things. Positive people always try to support you, uplift your mood and makes you feel worthy of all the love and happiness.

          How to surround yourself with positive:

  • say goodbye to those people who’re bullies or puts you down
  • step out of your comfort zones
  • spend your time wisely and participate in new activities instead of sitting idle.

5 .Practice healthy social media habits: 

Social media is both boon and bane.  It is prominent and beneficial for keeping people connected worldwide. It may result in various problems, if left unchecked for long time. Since, many people use social media to criticize people on the basis of their looks, bully them, jealous of each other and spread negativity.

If social media gives you anxiety or makes you feel bothered about your own skin , it’s time to change your social media habits. Additionally, make sure that you use social media in a way that keeps you positive in your life. Furthermore, social media may help you to build your self-confidence level. Since, there are lot of influencers who encourages people to be self-confident, body positive. Moreover, also shares the harsh reality of social media that whatever we see online is not real.

          How to practice healthy social media habits

  • follow pages and people who gives you positive vibes
  • don’t scroll and waste your time by comparing yourself with other
  • limit the amount of time you spend on social media each day
  • take a break in between from your social media to live in the moment and enjoy your time

6. Work on your weaknesses:

Nobody is born perfect and not everyone is good at everything. To feel comfy in your own skin , the first thing you need to do is accept your weaknesses and working on them to overcome your flaws and to feel self-confident. Remember you’re not going to be great at everything and that’s totally okay. 

Some people may be good at cooking, communication, exercise, managing time and some at other things. Thus, we need to stop comparing and start accepting our imperfections or weak points. Be self-confident & assured and show trust in yourself.

7. Stop worrying about what other people will think about you: 

Stop pleasing other people and stop wasting your energy on stressing out how others are viewing you .So, just be yourself and the right people will be attracted to you for the right reasons.

Because when we place much value on what other people thinks of us, we make ourselves anxious about our own skin. In addition, we start questioning our own worth. It makes us feel hesitated about the way we look and it affects our esteem level.

  • have self-confidence in yourself
  • stop comparing with other people’s lives

8. Exercise on daily basis: A girl sitting on mat & performing crunches. Exercise on daily basis to boost self-confidence.

Indulging yourself in physical activities through exercise, walking, weight training and more. Since, exercising on daily basis can result in overall well being. Furthermore, it makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin.

It can uplift your mood, increase energy level, and makes you feel self-confident about your own body

Therefore, embracing your inner beauty is most vital for boosting your self-confidence, self-esteem. All these factors may help you to overcome your anxiety regarding your appearance and make you feel satisfied, self-assured about your looks.

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