Body positivity : what is it & why it’s so important?

Body positivity encourages self-love and self acceptance among people. It’s main focus is to appreciate every body type irrespective of weight, height, gender, size, shape, etc. Everybody needs to be feel loved. If a person looks different from the other, than there is nothing to worry about. Because everybody is different & unique in their own way. Therefore, all we need to do is accept people whole- heartedly. It supports the idea of acceptance, respect, appreciation of all types of bodies. Body positivity aims to challenge these beauty standards made by the society. And on the basis of which they humiliate, judge, or pass harsh comments about any person regarding their presence.Text showing all bodies are beautiful  

Why body positivity should be encouraged?

In the contemporary world, body shaming is inevitable and  we can not deny the fact that people are body shamed regarding their height(tall/short), weight(too skinny, too fat), food habits( how much one eat/what they eat), makeup, age, etc. 

  • Body positivity is important:

(a) Social media is one of such platform which is used both positively and negatively. Sometimes, it is used for cyberbullying where people are bullied. Either in person or remotely via the internet or social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. Excessive usage of these platforms have its own repercussions. 

(b) It set some beauty standards which are unrealistic and unattainable. When people see these kind of stuff online, they expect people to be exactly the same way.  When there expectations are not met, they pass negative comments about people’s looks. Therefore, make people feel dissatisfied with their own body. All this impact their mental health and well-being negatively.

 (c) Every coin has two sides and same is with the social media. Because people see the images which are edited, filtered. As a result, people start comparing others on the basis of these unrealistic beauty standards. 

(d) When we body shame someone, it takes a huge toll on their mental health and overall well being. Body shaming can effects you mentally & emotionally. It may impact people in a negative way. For example: eating disorder(anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating disorder),anxiety, depression, feeling worthless, low self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, etc.

(e) So, to break this taboo of body shaming and accepting every body type, people needs to understand the importance of body positivity. Since it emphasize on acceptance, inclusivity, loving yourself irrespective of perceived flaws and wants people to feel worthy of themselves.

Body positivity focuses on:

1. Self-love & acceptance :A girl embracing self-love and self-acceptance 

Body positivity emphasize on the need that individuals need to accept and love their bodies as they are. It helps in fostering positive self-image & self-esteem.

2. Recognize unattainable & unrealistic goals:

Beauty standards in the modern world are not only unattainable but also unrealistic. Because these standards are edited and people forget to recognize this thing. Body positivity challenge these beauty standards and promote a range of diverse beauty.

3. Emphasize on the need to stop body shaming: Text emphasize on need to stop body shaming 

Body positivity main focus is that people appreciate themselves as they are. It’s high time that we stop body shaming people on the basis of their appearance. Instead promote kindness and understanding.

4.Respecting People’s Choices:

Individuals opinion matters a lot in the modern period. We must respect individual’s right to make their own decisions regarding their body, clothes they wear, food they eat, etc.

5.Inclusivity and Diversity:

Each individual have their own body type, shape, size, etc. It is nothing to be ashamed of because it’s one of the thing which makes us unique from other  people.  Celebrating diversity in body shapes, sizes, abilities, genders, etc. is essential to live in peace & harmony with one’s body.

Criticism of Body positivity:

1. Ignores physical health:

Body positivity encourages self-love and acceptance. But it doesn’t mean that we totally forget our physical health and ignore it constantly. Because it can lead to severe health issue. For example: a person who is overweight can face serious health illness: risk of heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. 

It encourages people to accept themselves as they are irrespective of the lifestyle people are living that whether it’s healthy enough or not.

2.Represents only a section of society:

We see only a few number of plus size or dark skin complexion model taken for promoting body positivity online. It shows you the harsh reality of life. And, no matter how much you promote body positivity ,it’s always going to be about your looks & appearance that matters the most .

How to be more positive

1. Surround yourself with positive people:Group of people laughing together  

Always remember that surrounding environment has a direct impact on how we behave. So, it’s important that we surround ourselves with the people who makes us feel worthy of all the love. Accept you as the way you’re. People from whom you receive positive vibes . It can be your family, friends, cousins, relatives, etc.

2.Stop comparing: 

We all know every body is different from one another. Each one of us has unique identity based on capabilities, skills, etc. that make us stand apart from everyone else. So, we need to stop comparing ourselves with other person and competing with each other because it’s not essential.

3. Indulge yourself in positive self-talk:Girl facing mirror and practicing positive self-talk

Sometimes we get hard on ourself and it’s difficult to be grateful for your bodies. During this time, saying positive things to yourself helps a lot to cope up with this continuous feeling of ungratefulness. Thus, say kind things to yourself and practice self-love.

4.Focus on the things you like about yourself:

Every time a negative thought about your body pops into your mind, counter it with something positive. Try making lists of the things you like about your body. And not just how it looks, but the things it allows you to do. List it all out. We’re naturally inclined to look for our dissatisfactions and overlook the good things. To break out of that way of thinking, it will take daily repetition. Just keep at it.

5.Include self-care into your routine:Girl indulge in self-care routine 

When we take care of ourself it makes us happy. So, to be more body positive what you can do is follow a self care routine which is relaxing for you. It can be kind of a pampering session where you do the activities which helps you to calm down. It’ll makes you feel at ease. It can be your favorite meal, meditation, a bath, etc.

Hence, body positivity plays an essential role in making people feel worthy, self-confident, accepting themselves. It dismantle societal beauty standards. Never forget that you always deserve love, respect, and appreciation from your

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